
Sunday, August 17, 2008

Retail Clinics Go Espanol

Finally, a retail clinic getting more of a competitive edge. Its refreshing to see a possible successful business model in medicine. The usual stories of the poor abusing the ER making it red on the balance sheets, or physicians taking low paying Medicare/Medicaid patients is so somber. I'm tired of the crying and want to see some damn entrepreneurial innovation in medicine!

If you had to guess, I was in favor of the 10.6% cut in Medicare. Physicians are too few especially among the growing shortage. When patients are not seen, they will complain and vote for the politician to solve the health care issue. There is power in numbers and physician are enablers for a corrupt system. Let the hate mail roll in...

The retail clinics will be staffed by bilingual physicians (a departure from the standard practice of employing nurse practitioners), and they’re affiliated with a Miami hospital. The clinics are owned by Samoho, a Mexico City-based company that already runs a few retail clinics in Wal-Mart stores there.

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